Mediagistic Blog

Google Announces New Updates to Enhance Local Services Ads for Contractors

Google recently announced two new, long-awaited updates to Google Local Services Ads (LSAs), aiming to improve lead quality and visibility for home services contractors. These updates include the rollout of automated lead credits and the inclusion of LSAs in the Google Maps app for iOS. According to Google, these changes are designed to streamline processes and enhance the effectiveness of local services ads for contractors, making them an even more valuable tool for contractors. Read on to learn more about how these changes work and what they could potentially mean for your home services business.

Update #1: Automated Lead Credits – A Time-Saving Innovation

One of the most notable updates is the implementation of automated lead credits. Historically, advertisers had the option to manually dispute poor-quality leads to receive credits. This process, while beneficial, was often underutilized, with some advertisers not disputing eligible leads and others disputing a high percentage of leads.

Why Automated Credits? Google’s new automated system addresses these challenges by leveraging machine learning models that have been trained over the past year to identify high-quality leads. This ensures that invalid leads are automatically credited, saving businesses the time and effort previously required for manual disputes.

Key Benefits:

  • Equitable Ad Credits: Automated reviews ensure fairness, as all leads are assessed, and invalid ones are credited, including those that may have been overlooked in the manual process.
  • Time Savings: Businesses no longer need to manually dispute leads, freeing up valuable resources and allowing them to focus on core operations.
  • Increased Credits: Although credits for “job type not serviced” and “geo not serviced” leads are being discontinued, the overall number of credited leads is expected to rise, benefiting advertisers.

Implementation and Impact: Google began rolling out the automated lead credits system starting mid-July and will continue to migrate businesses to it over the following months. This change is automatic, requiring no action from advertisers. Credits will typically be applied to account balances within 30 days, ensuring timely refunds for poor-quality leads.

Update #2: LSAs in Google Maps for iOS for Enhanced Visibility

In another significant update, Google has begun displaying LSAs in the map pack on the Google Maps app for iOS. This initiative is part of Google’s effort to help advertisers gain more leads by increasing their visibility in local searches.

How It Works: When users search for services such as “plumber near me” on the Google Maps app for iOS, up to two LSAs will appear at the top of the search results. These ads leverage the business’s existing ad data and user reviews to create effective and targeted advertisements.

Billing and Pricing: The billing and pricing for these new ads will remain consistent with existing Search ads, meaning dealers will only be charged for qualified leads based on their existing bids. This ensures a seamless transition for advertisers already familiar with LSA billing practices.

Benefits for Contractors:

  • Increased Lead Generation: By appearing in the highly trafficked Google Maps app, contractors can expect an uptick in high-quality leads.
  • Enhanced Local Presence: LSAs in Google Maps provide an additional touchpoint for potential customers, reinforcing the contractor’s local presence and credibility.

Maximizing the Potential of Google LSAs with Mediagistic

At Mediagistic, we understand the nuances of paid search strategies and how to maximize the benefits of Google’s latest updates for LSAs. Our expertise in digital marketing for the home services industry allows us to tailor campaigns that drive results and increase lead generation for our clients.

For home service contractors looking to enhance their lead generation and streamline their advertising efforts, now is the perfect time to leverage these new Google updates. Talk to our performance marketing experts at Mediagistic today and see how we can drive results for your business with Google Local Services Ads. Let us help you achieve greater success and efficiency in your advertising efforts.

Mia Napoli - Google Local Services Ads SpecialistMia Napoli is a Google Local Services Ads Specialist at Mediagistic. Connect with her on Linkedin.

Images via iStock

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